Contributing to a Better Functioning Society
Running a Mission-Driven Company
Our Company exists to create a healthier population, more impactful and profitable clients, and a better functioning society.
We do this by helping ethical, mission-driven clients prevent, treat, or mitigate diseases and other adverse health conditions that are creating a disproportionate burden on individuals, organizations, and communities.
Focusing on High-Impact Innovation
Our approach is cyclical and systems based.
We identify areas of disproportionate need by geography, subpopulation, condition, and other attributes.
We discover, prioritize, and support breakthroughs and best practices at the convergence of three sectors:
- Healthcare
- Education
- Social Services
Delivering the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
We evaluate whether these products, services, or solutions improve the well-being, productive capacity, and socioeconomic status of no fewer than three categories of stakeholders:
- Individuals
- Organizations
- Communities
We accelerate the speed, breadth, and depth of impact by delivering payment, content, and engagement analytics, strategy, and support services.
Accepting Accountability for Results
The U.S. healthcare system is plagued by a short-sighted, disease-focused, and transactional mindset.
We approach U.S. healthcare with broad-reaching, health-focused, systems thinking.
We start with the societal end in mind.
We view personal, professional, and enterprise responsibility as essential to solving the U.S. healthcare crisis.
We hold ourselves accountable for results, and we prepare our clients for 360-degree impact accountability, too.
We’re committed to helping you measurably…
- increase your revenue, operating efficiencies, earnings growth, competitiveness, and compliance (to exceed the demands of your investors);
- reduce the incidence, prevalence, and cost of diseases and other adverse health conditions;
- improve economic, clinical, and humanistic outcomes (ECHOs);
- achieve Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple Aim endpoints (of reduced per capita costs, improved population health, enhanced patient and provider experiences, and boosted health equity);
- enhance the well-being, productive capacity, and socioeconomic status of individuals, organizations, and communities;
- enable sustainable and increasingly broad-based human flourishing, contributions, and socioeconomic lift in alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., SDG #3: Health); and
- contribute to a better functioning global society.